Hi, Well Mikael's Party was brilliant, lots of noise, fun and plenty of sweets and games and no she did not come!! She tried, oh how she tried, she even managed to steal an invite from Mikael's bag and write her name on it. Why the mother never spoke to me about it is beyond me. If Mikael came home with an invite that was obviously not meant for him I would talk to the parent, I guess that not all parents act responsibly. I do feel sorry for the little girl, it is clearly learnt behaviour. Thank-you for your support and comments, I hadn't meant to write about that problem....Enough about that,
Here are some of the crafty makes for the party.
The invite was simple and too the point, come train as a Pokemon master and catch Pokemon!!
The star attraction........was Prinplup the pinata. The kids tried so hard to break this but he would not give up the treats inside!!! I emptied him out so they could grab the treats (they were collected in and divided into their party bags!!)
Pokemon balls!!! These little balls of newspaper hung from the ceiling!
Next party is Alix in February the theme...Thomas the tank engine!! I'll start now...lol!!!
The first activity while the kids arrived was to colour and draw Pokemon characters for a poster. This kept them out of the other room while the next game was being set up. I got a fab photo of the kids under this.
The next poster was a team effort! My BIL drew it, my sister coloured and I finished the fine detail!! Thanks guys, I had had enough Pokemon by this time!!lol
Pokemon balls!!! These little balls of newspaper hung from the ceiling!
And finally 3 cards...1. for my mum, she wanted a card with Pokemon, grandson and 7 on it, she looked everywhere so I offered to make it for her. She usually buys our cards, but just couldn't find what she wanted.
The other 2 were from daddy, Alix and I.
Next party is Alix in February the theme...Thomas the tank engine!! I'll start now...lol!!!
I will post the party photo's next time.
take care
Mrs t xxx
Love the Pokemon theme, I have fond memories with my kids of that :o)
I also have great memories of Thomas the Tank Engine, and actually have an HO version :o)
sounds like they all had a great time, loved the Pokemon theme, and the idea of doing the poster, something they can all do together.
Glad that other problem is now over as you say learned behavoiur, such a shame.
Take care
Great party
I must be getting old What is a pokeman?
Very cute, and I'm glad all went well! I love the pinata--he's adorable!
great Pokemon party and glad it went well without 'uninvited' guests. hugs, annie x
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