How is your weekend going? Well that is it Christmas is over for another year! was it a good Christmas for you? It was a bit odd here this year as our family leader came down with flu Christmas Eve and missed Christmas!! Poorly mum spent Christmas in bed, she has been really bad with it and truly mum...WE MISSED YOU!!!! It just wasn't the same. She is still poorly now, out of bed but still suffering, bless her! So Christmas was not the same, but was in a way??? I know I am talking rubbish...lol!! Me thinks that I will have to re-think how we do Christmas and new year!! I will have to ponder that one...maybe I can google it...lol!!!
Anyhow's I thought I'd share some photos (the few I managed to get!!) and tell the Christmas story!!
...it all starts on Christmas Eve (well it would wouldn't it!!) we all go to the cemetery to remember my dad, we return home, furiously cleaned by moi that morning!! Have tea then it's time to sprinkle magic reindeer dust outside and put the magic Santa key under the mat....
...Yes clive is in his PJ's already...lol!! Sapphire helps too! Mikael puts out a glass of milk (no drink driving for Santa!!), mince pie and carrot for the reindeer! Then nice warm bath and clean crisp bestest PJ's for the kids. Up to bed with their stockings for me to read "twas the night before Christmas" and other nice Christmassy stories.... time to sleep. Bless them they went straight to sleep!! Although both work after midnight, Alix crying and Mikael couldn't find his stocking!! which santa had already filled and put at the end of his bed...well he didn't want Mikael to hurt his head and melt all the chocolate!!!!"Santa" puts all the presents under the tree.....
There were some very large presents this year and thanks to generous friends there were lots round the back too. We had to put a board round them to stop Charlie "opening" them!!!In the morning the kids are supposed to bring their stockings into bed with us (gives me time to open my eyes...lol!) Only Alix ripped his open in his bed and started on the chocolate!!! It's just 6am!!!
I tried to get in the room before them but they just couldn't wait so I missed the photo of their faces when they saw the tree!
Bless him, Mikael was desperate to get stuck in, but cruel mummy wanted a coffee in hand and the camera before they could start...
Alix got some help from Suki!!!!
Mikael loved all his presents!! I love to see them opening them!!
Alix had a HUGE Thomas the tank train set, really it is HUGE!!!!! and everyone has enjoyed playing with it. It sounds like a proper model train set too! I was really impressed!! He opened it and said "I like Thomas" and kept saying that over and over because Santa had left him lots of Thomas toys!!
Charlie and Suki joined in with the fun, I think Sapphire is too "old" for that now...lol!!
A bomb explodes in my living room!!! and in a few hours we have family coming with more presents!!! The big bag Alix is holding was "Santa's" surprise gift for the family.... a Wii!!! lots of fun for all!!!
And so the family arrive, more presents to un-wrap, kids having a fab time, grown-up drinking tea and watching the fun! Me, I get to cook dinner this year, it was planned that way and lucky as mum was so poorly, she stayed to see the presents opened then went home to bed. I took a dinner round in the evening. I set my table, now if you know me at all you will know that I have been planning this for weeks! all in lilac and silver (my favourite and matches the tree!) Now can you see what's missing? yep forgot the bloody crackers!!! I looked everywhere to find matching crackers and forgot them on the day! It was said later that at least it was the crackers and not the turkey...lol!! In the centre of the table are the table or tree gifts we give at lunchtime, these gifts are supposed to be joke gifts and cost about a £1!! The youngest boys Alix and Harvey just couldn't stay awake for lunch so it was a quiet lunch with the older boys. Sorry no pics of us at the table, mum not there to remind us!! And that was it basically, Clive went to feed his mums cats, Terry washed up, then Harvey decided he wanted to go home early! and I went to check on mum.
We stayed up late playing on the Wii and with the train set, the boys seemed to have a great time which is what matters most.
So big Thank-yous to everyone who sent cards and gifts and helped and joined us and most of all mum...GET WELL SOON XXXX
I hope you all had a great time, I will get round to everyone now all the rushing is over...if you want to see all the crafty stuff take a look HERE I bid you goodnight and thanks for joining me in this story!!!
take care
mrs t xxx